Collective creation 2015
Based on an original idea by Aurélien PROST
Directed by Julien ATHONADY and Christian LUCAS
" Cirque Rouages plays with balance, the fragility of the world, the wind, poetry ... "
" A feeling of breathlessness with the tightrope walkers of Cirque Rouages. It's very beautiful, this tracking shot of a cinema. The acrobats with their confounding lightness and skill, play with and on the wire. A poetic moment rightly hailed by the audience. "
Aurélien PROST, tightrope walker
Mariona MOYA, tightrope walker (or Anne-Lise ALLARD)
Jordi MONTMANY, trapeze artist on cable
Sarah BABANI, trapeze artist on cable (or Inès MACCARIO, or Marta ERRA)
Maël OUDIN, contrabass player and composition (or Hugo RIVIERE)
Anouk GERMSER, voice and composition (or Anaïs ILAHIANE)
Clément AGATE, general technician
Rémi ATHONADY, light technician (or Mylène PASTRE, or Viviane DESCREUX)
Emilien AGATE, stage manager (or Delphine DUPIN)

Costume design Laure HIERONYMUS, Camille LACOMBE
Voice-over Facundo DIAB
Outside eye Claude KRESPIN, Nina ENFAQUE MORER
Precious technical assistance Sarah SANKEY FILMER, Loïc LAMBERT
Production Julie LUMIER
Technical stage design Serge CALVIER(Nil Obstrat)
Stage construction Eric SABRE, Aurélien PROST, Clément AGATE
Administration Stéphanie BUIRETTE
Graphic design Sarah LETOUZEY
First photographs Thomas FRETEUR, Jean-Gérard BERNABEU, Josépha FOCKEU
Interns Rosa AGUILERA, Fausto LORENZI, Camille MENEI, Léa FABRE
Duration 50 minutes
Show for all audiences and all destinations
Performance in bi-frontal for a capacity of 2000 people
Played at night or at dusk
Possibility to climb a tightrope as a bonus to the show
The show has over a hundred performances throughout the world to date (France, Germany, England, Spain, South Korea, Switzerland, New Caledonia, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands)
Show benefiting from creation and distribution aid of the County Council of Lorraine, the General Council of la Meuse. Co-productions Association Cirque en Lorraine, Théâtre Transversales. Co-productions and residences Nil Obstrat, Parc du haut-fourneau U4 / Agglomeration community of Val de Fensch. Support and residences La Verrerie d'Alès / Pôle National Cirque Languedoc-Roussillon, Cie Azimuts / CCOUAC - Ecurey Pôles d'avenir, Théâtre Europe-PNAC Méditerranée, collectif Zo Prod
Mathilde BROUDIC
+33 (0) 7 66 10 14 90
mathilde.rouages (at) outlook.fr
Technical contact
Clement Agate
... Sodade ...
Fable on an infinite thread - Creation 2015
...Every stormy evening, an old man, long exiled, approaches the seashore. With the wind caressing his face, he returns to distant memories. A waking dream of happy nostalgia, to never forget, and to continue living at all costs.
Around an infinite cable..., four bodies in balance will evolve, like the waves of a past time which return and leave unceasingly. ...Sodade..., is as well two musicians playing, singing and telling a fable at great height, a hymn to life on a unique circus structure...
" Friendship is essential for a proper functioning memory. Remembering our past and always carrying it with us, is perhaps the necessary condition to preserve, as we say, the integrity of our self. "
Milan KUNDERA, Identity