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A play in storytelling, gesture and circus

Creation 2018

   When a man is about to set sail, he gives his son a book and asks him to wait there, telling him when he has finished reading, he will be back.
  Rocked by the backwash waves, years pass and the son is still waiting.
Shrouded in the mystery of his father's journey, the adventures of the book, and his own fantasies, the child became a man without realizing it.
Fortunately, a strange bird, escaped from one of the pages, comes and strips the images one by one that have inhabited him for so many years, and finally awakens him to his own life.


Collective creation

Based on an original idea by Julien ATHONADY

Written and directed by  Hugues HOLLENSTEIN


with Julien ATHONADY, François GUILLEMETTE & Simone VENDITTI

Musical composition and interpretation  Francois GUILLEMETTE

Stage design Remi ATHONADY 

Sound engineering / Spatialisation  Thibault LE MAREC

Costumes and Mask   Lara MANIPOUD

Accessories  Julie ZNOSKO

Voiceover  Franck MOUGET & Nino AGATE

Production  Marie DELOR

Administration  Stephanie BUIRETTE

Duration - 45 minutes

Capacity - 500 spectators in a circle

All audience



Mathilde BROUDIC

+33 (0) 7 66 10 14 90

mathilde.rouages (at)



La Nef, Factory of current cultures |  the Cité du Cirque, regional Cirque Le Mans center | Big SKY

Residences and residency support 

La Palène,  Rouillac |  the 37th parallel, Mettray |  the City of Joué-les-Tours |  the Company 100 roots / Théâtre Mansart - Crous de Dijon |  Cie Les Lendemains |  La Cie Azimut / Le CCOUAC - Ecurey Pôle d'avenir | ZoProd Collective  | Cité du Cirque Marcel Marceau


The show benefits from a 2018 production grant from the DRAC GRAND EST, region GRAND EST and department council of la MEUSE

 Photo © Julie ZNOSKO - Illustration  Lara MANIPOUD

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With the financial support of the region Grand Est and the department la Meuse

  © All rights reserved 2021 - Cirque ROUAGES -  Legal Noticess

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