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© Julien ATHONADY - 2019

Between scrap and poetry


     Cirque Rouages (Clockwork Circus) is a creative collective founded and co-directed by 9 artists, technicians, musicians and builders, who have brought their skills and passions (cogs) together to create a poetic, musical and physical mechanism (Rouages).

     Today, in conjunction with around thirty other associated artists and technicians, the collective is invested in creative processes where research is sometimes based on both mechanical scenographies and circus movements, and other times around dance movement and mime; all with a common desire for live music.

     Predominantly presented in the street or in Big Top, Cirque Rouages is driven to create work that is accessible to all audiences.  The collective is committed to the notion of sparking the viewer’s imagination, as well as arousing "collective dreams that each of us appropriates and shares with others, in order to move from "I" to “We””.  Roland Gori, Un Monde sans Esprit, La Fabrique des Terrorismes.



     Born under a Big Top in Bar-le-Duc, France, in 2007, Cirque Rouages spent its first five years touring Lorraine, France and Germany, with shows including: C'est comme le vélo, ça s'oublie pas, Le Triolet, Du Haut du pouce, Il y a des jours où les citrouilles ne sont que des citrouilles, and Motobécasse.   

     A few years later, the collective moved into theatres to present their new works: Ôm Taf, La Danseuse de corde and Truc et Muche.

     In 2011, Cirque Rouages crossed paths with Cie Presque Siamoises, with whom they bought a new Big Top the following year, and from this artistic exchange, Sweet Play, Cabaret and Sfumato arose.  During this same period, the collective left Bar-le-Duc and subsequently ended its Cabarets d'Hiver (weekend circus and music events in a Big Top during winter).
After a period of apparent territorial wandering, ..
.Sodade... and Zorro, Manuel du justicier à l'usage de la jeunesse were presented in 2015. These two productions were met with great critical acclaim from both the public and industry professionals, and hereby solidified the collective and its framework.


    Whilst maintaining one foot in Meuse and the Grand Est, the rapturous team now travels around the world presenting Malandro, ...Sodade..., Zorro, Là !, Boate, Silence, and _Ondes___, whilst simultaneously concocting Wonder Petrol and Radio Hermès for 2022!

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With the financial support of the region Grand Est and the department la Meuse

  © All rights reserved 2021 - Cirque ROUAGES -  Legal Noticess

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